Returns & Exchanges
Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns or exchanges of tried-on, worn or washed underwear, or items not in the condition in which they were received.
If you order multiple items, please only open one item to make sure the size fits. If you do so and find the item does not fit, the other new, unopened, and unworn items may be returned for size exchange within 14 days.
In the fashion industry, we are very conscious of the global issues of sustainability and the tremendous amount of returned clothing that is incinerated or goes into landfill (estimates put this at 99%). Underwear cannot be recycled. We therefore respectfully request our customers not to buy excess items with the intention of trying on and asking to return many of them, as we cannot accept these items back.
If you believe you have received a defective item, please let us know immediately, with a photo of the fault, to
If a package is returned to us as “undeliverable” or “refused”, it will be processed for Store Credit less any shipping fees associated with the package.
Please note that mystery packs and any sale items are not returnable under any circumstances.
Please do not send anything back to us without contacting us first within seven days after receiving your order at: