Confessions of an Underwear Model: Andrei

Confessions of an Underwear Model: Andrei

From construction working to modeling, Andrei has been using his incredible physique for the right reasons. From the moment we first saw pictures of him online, we knew he'd look perfect in a good pair of Bodyaware underwear. He's done a few shoots with us now, and he's definitely been rocking every item we throw at him. We can't wait to see what else we can get out of him! Without further ado, learn some more juicy details about our newest eye candy!

 Age: 22

Height: 6'3"

Weight: Currently 210 lbs but usually about 230 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Shoe size: 12

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Nationality: Romanian

Favorite Color: Red/Pink

Favorite Food: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Favorite Drink: Orange Sprite

Woman Crush: I have never really had a woman crush

Man Crush: Steve Cook

Guilty Pleasure: Eating Nutella out of the jar (the big jar)

Turn-Ons: Girls with nice butts and built legs

Best Feature: Eyes/Smile

Favorite TV Show: I don't have one 

Favorite Music Genre: Country

Favorite Motto: "Tomorrow is a new day"

Favorite Holiday: I don't have one because they mess with my gym schedule


How did you first get into modeling?

I got into modeling by posting fitness pictures on body space which is a social media site, as well as Model Mayhem, which is a great place to get attention and exposure, and instagram.


Besides Body Aware, what is your dream modeling gig?

I would love to do fitness shoots for any fitness magazine out there. 


What interest you the most about modeling?

I like how modeling creates confidence in who I am and also makes me more charismatic and out-going. 


Do you think there is a stigma against men wearing "skimpy" underwear? If so, why do you think the stigma is there?

I do think that there is a stigma against men wearing what most would call "women's" underwear. The reason that I think it's there is because society has taught men that being masculine means wearing things that emphasize your package but that at the same time is "safe". Men, because of this, feel uncomfortable seeing other men wear something that their wife or girlfriend might wear, not because it's "gay," but because most men go through life without sexual confidence in who they are and so they use crutches to prove to everyone that they are men. I personally know who I am sexually and think that wearing what I think is cool is all that matters. I don't care if others aren't comfortable because I am. 


How do you prepare for a photo shoot?

I don't think really that preparation is something that happens when you know you have a shoot. I always believed that you have to be ready to shoot tomorrow so slacking at the gym or your diet is a no go. Always be ready because that's when people want to shoot you. 


Do you manscape?

I do groom myself. We are in a day and time where men are allowed to be "pretty" or "handsome" so I take full advantage of that. Plus being in a sport like men's physique it's required that you look as good in the overall presentation of your body as you possibly can. 


How many times a week do you workout and what is your favorite routine?

I workout 7 days a week 365 days a year. It's a life style for me that helps me get through my days and keep my stress down. My favorite routine is everything. I enjoy growing and creating the perfect physique so no body part is favored over another. 


What is your favorite style of underwear?

I personally like compression short type of underwear. It keeps everything in place and if my shorts ride up, nobody gets any sneak peeks at my goods. 


What do you like about Body Aware?

I like that Body Aware isn't afraid to push the limits on what people think is acceptable. 


What is your idea of a perfect date?

A perfect date for me is one where I'm out somewhere you can see the stars and it's quiet. I like to talk and get to know people and I don't think that spending money is the best way to do that. 


If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you be stranded with and with what three items?

I would have to say that I would want a girl there and the three items would be something to filter clean water, a fishing rod, and a fire starting kit. 


Your most embarrassing moment?

I was at the gym and there was this girl that kinda looked like a girl I knew, but she had her back to me, so me thinking that this was the girl I knew, I decided to go up to her and smack her with my lifting belt. Well when she turned around with a shocked look on her face I immediately felt my face turn red with embarrassment. 


Moment where you felt the most proud? 

The most proud moment of my life is when I got 50k followers on Instagram because it was a lot of work.


Where can we find you on social media?

My most popular social media that I use is Instagram. My user name is @andreiwilliam_12 

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